Episode 1- "The Birthday"
Klaus being a total bad ass in the beginning with his southern accent. That was pretty hot if you ask me. Then being a bad ass again at the bar.Well lets just say the bad guy turns me and prob the TVD fan base. To be honest, I didn't really like Klaus before the start of season one only because all he was doing was a threat to Elena. I mean he still is but i guess less of one. You have to say he looks pretty killer being the head honcho of the bar.
Episode 2- "The Hybrid"
Oh how he talks to the werewolf's like he is there god. Ever notice he has a whisper to his voice? I did! I felt so bad for him when his hybrids didn't work. He says to Stefan "it appears you are the only comrade I have left". Even though I was glad that his hybrids didn't work but still felt remorse for him.
Episode 3- "The end of the Affair"
Remembering Stefan of the good old ripper days. Also surprising him into saying "ah well yea we were best friends in 1920. I loved his hair in the 1920's very dashing.
Episode 4- "Disturbing Behavior"
He is looking all funny with his champagne in hand. Then being a pest about finding the necklace. I mean he was pretty tricky in sneaking Stefan back to Mystic Falls.
Episode 5- "The Reckoning"
Mr. Tuff guy gets under Mystic Fall crew today. He is so evil and demeaning this episode. I mean from putting a count down on Stefan attacking Elena and making Stefan turn off his humanity. Oh and don't forget Tyler is a hybrid now because of Klaus.
Episode 6- "Smells like Teen Spirit"
aw sad no Klaus
Episode 7- "Ghost Town"
come on no Klaus again.
Episode 8- "Ordinary Family"
Klaus in the Viking time. He was a little pathetic if you ask me. His hair is not a good look for him and he was weak. Not a cocky man that we know and love now.
Episode 9- "Homecoming"
Klaus was very cunning this episode. Being evil with all his hybrids in Mystic Falls. At the end of the show when Micheal gets inside Klaus head that made him cry. Well that was so sad. then he was evil again by killing Micheal.
Episode 10- "The New Deal"
Hmmmm Klaus is again being evil again. He is actually pissed because he doesn't have his family. I mean he threatened to kill Jeremy. Then he had a bear with Damon. He was pretty busy today.
Episode 11- "Our Town"
Showing up at the Council meeting and pretty much telling Mayor Lockwood that he can trust him. She baught his crap. Wow she is dumb. Then he also tells Tyler to bite Caroline. Which brings us to the star scene of the night when Klaus pretty puts himself out there. How cute.
Episode 12- "The Ties that Bind"
He becomes devilish again when he has a little sit down with Damon at the Salvatore house. As you can see in this pic below he doesn't look to half bad. Actually I think this is an understatement. He eventually gets his way at the end of the episode. I mean doesn't he always get his way. He was a little surprised when Elijah
comes back with vengeance.
Episode 13- "Bringing out the Dead"
Guess what another sit down with the Salvatore boys. Very cunning. He had a dinner.. well sort of dinner with them. So Klaus loved the original patrova doppelganger. Aw he does love. Then he goes and tries to hurt Stefan again. Oh and don't forget that his family came to haunt him and kill him. That was an awesome scene. Aw he is sad and happy to see his mommy!
Episode 14- "Dangerous Liaisons"
Very charming tonight. Fancying it up with Caroline the whole evening. She actually got under his skin a couple of times. I squealed a couple times at how cute they were together. He looked good in that tux.

Episode 15- "All My Children"
Hahaha... Klaus has a soft spot for Caroline. He seamed so sweet wanting to just talk with Caroline. I would love for someone to be so cute and sentimental to me. Klaus is such a gentlemen when he wants to be. He is such a love struck idiot.
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