Friday, March 16, 2012

Review of "1912" Episode 3.16

Important Info!! 
1. Alaric is being framed for the deaths in Mystic Falls.
              Oh that Dr. Fell can be a complete snarky mean girl.
2. Damon and Stefan try to bond in 1912
              I have to say Damon bets Stefan again on who is hotter? Stefan needs to up his game.
3. Stefan is on a no human blood diet and is starting to get under his skin.
              I mean he was an a ripper rage not to long ago.
4. Damon meets a vampire named Sage in the 1912.
             She taught Damon to be who he really is today. Snarky and seductive. She seems to be an interesting character. She is defiantly a strong hearted vampire. 
5. Matt and Elena get close again.
             Now don't get any ideas. They are helping each other threw there tough times and other things. One thing is they break into Meredith's (Dr. Fell) house to find something to help Alaric get cleared. They find files on everyone that has been killed so far in Mystic falls since these murders have occurred.        
             Then they have a good talk about how Elena loves both Damon and Stefan. She loved Stefan because when she met him she felt save and like he would never die. And Damon just snuck  up on her and she can shake him away. (Ya at lest she admits to liking him)
6. Damon tries to help Stefan get of his blood gitters.
             Damon tries to help control his blood urges. Then Elena comes and sees Stefan feeding on a human and she acts shocked. I personally just think that's stupid because its not like she hasn't seen it before.
             Then Damon recaps why he wants to save Stefan. When he found him in 1912 he did the exact thing, Stefan ran away after being come a full on ripper. Damon thought he should of gone after him but he didn't. Now he regrets it ever since.
7. And a big shocker at the end.
             Elena's ancestor was a psycho and was the murder in 1912. And apparently the ring Alaric uses makes him insane. He might be the murder of the killings in Mystic Falls.

Damon's Hotness
So in 1912 Damon was really good looking. I mean in 1845 he was hot too but him in his bowlers hat was very snazzy. And flirting with Rebekah the whole time at the bar was fun to watch. So I would say that on a scale from 1 to 10. I would give an 8. Only because there was no nakedness of any kind.

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