Friday, February 24, 2012

Who would win the bar fight?

So we all know by now that the original family is the biggest baddest vampires in the whole world. So let's just pit a sinario out there about, if all the vampires in mystic falls were not vampires, just humans. So answer the question who would win the bar fight? Klaus? Elijah? Rebekah? Kole? Finn? Damon? Stefan? Caroline? 

If I had my way it would be Damon. But that would be the obvious choice. But to be honest Damon's coky attitude (which I love very much) would get in the way. Klaus pretty much relies on his supernatural powers. Rebekah's bitchy attitude would get far but I wouldn't say she would win. Kole to be honest is just your average school bully, and we all know how those kind of stories end. Caroline is basically like Rebekah with the girl power! Stefan is a pretty smart guy but lacks the smarts. Elijah has the smarts but really hasn't shown the physical activity. 

So who is the one that would win it all?  The winner is Elijah! The reason for this is when they showed the episode were the originals were just humans, Elijah had very good fighting skills. Also he could out smart anyone. I vet he knows the persons move before they even do it! 

Monday, February 20, 2012

"All my Children" Episode 3.15 Review

Okay so this week was a nice closer for the awaiting March 15th episode "1912". So many juciy things happened and let me just say that I could read between the lines in some cases.

!!!Important!!! content from the show

1. Esther (mommy original) did not succed in killing all of her children. (I mean do you think it would be that easy!)
2. Damon turned Bonnie's mom into a vampire to stop Esther from killing all her children.
    BTW: He only stoped Esther from killing the originals because if he didnt stop her then Rebekah would kill Elena!
3. Elena was held hostage becasue she is the most ideal hostage. (Everyone wants to save miss Elena.)
4. Bonnie is mad at Elena, only because everytime something bad happens its because Elena always needs to be saved. So hense Bonnie is the one always getting hurt because of this. (So in other words she is just sick of Elena's Bullsh**)
5. Alaric finds out that Merideth had his knife in her apartment. Then Merideth shots at Alaric. (That was a WTF ending!)

Damons Hottness on a Scale from 1-10

So at the beggining of the show I would say he was a big 10! Only becasue he was naked in bed, while showing of his beautiful abs. Then he was his normal sexy danger guy self through out the whole show. P.S. this is the Damon I like if you havent noticed!
So final Answer Damon was a sold 10+.

Favorite Scene

My favorite scene was when Caroline came into the Grill and acted all bitchy towards Klaus. He was having drinks with his brother Kole, then Caroline came walking in (only to distract Klaus so that Alaric could kill Kole).
"All My Children"--Candice Accola as Caroline on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES on The CW. Photo: Quantrell D. Colbert/The CW ©2012 The CW Network. All Rights Reserved."Caroline!"- Klaus
"Oh its you"- Caroline
"Join me for a drink"- Klaus
"Ah, No thanks I would rather die of thirst"- Caroline (then walks away all sassy like)
"Isnt she fantastic"- Klaus
"I would say she looks really fantastic walking away from you"- Kole
"I take that as a challenge!"- Klaus (walks with Caroline)
Oh this was a great scene. It goes on to Klaus talking to Caroline like a love drunk idiot. Oh what a happy moment!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Predictions for 1912 Episode

Okay so a lot of things happened at the end of "All my children".

1. This is not the end of Alaric 
    You know how Alaric's psycho girlfriend Meredith shot him at the very end of the episode. Well I just know that this cant be the end of him because he is the "parent" to Elena and is always the in on the Salvatore plans! You know what I think really happened was she missed him as a warning and is going to be holding him as ransom of some kind.
2. Damon is going to get it on with chicks 
    So "1912" episode is going to be all about Damon and this so called Sage vamp girl. Lets just say i am very excited for this, because now we get to see the life of Damon not just Stefan! Well in the preview all they were showing of Damon was that he was feeding and using woman as pleasure. That sounds like the Damon we all know and love!

3. Bonnie will have different views on Elena
    Well when Caroline was talking to Elena outside of Bonnie's house, It seemed that Bonnie will have a pickin with Elena soon about how she cant always sacrifice herself for her. I see were Bonnie is coming from. I mean she always gets hurt. She might end up being like Matt, were she wants to stay out of everything. Which I don't think will happen  because its impossible for her to do that.  SHES A WITCH!

4. Caroline might end up liking Klaus
     When he got upset with her in the middle of the show, I saw that she was looking at him with sincere. Almost like "he cares for his family so much. Maybe he does have a heart". I don't know but I'm still rutting for this relationship to work!

Friday, February 10, 2012

New Photos for "All my Children" Episode 3.15


Dangerous Liaisons Episode 3.14 Review

Wowza did you watch the last nights episode of TVD Dangerous Liaisons? 
Well if you didn't you missed out and you need to go watch it. (click link below to watch episode)

Important key points in this show:
-Esther, Elena and Finn are in a plan to kill Klaus
     -Elena gives Esther some of her blood
     -Esther binds all her children by having them drink wine that haves Elena's blood in it.
     -Finn completes the process's by his blood and binding the family tree together.
     -If one of the children die then all of them die... hence if Finn dies then Klaus and the rest of the children die.
-Lots of times when Klaus tries to win Caroline over and in the end might have succeeded.
Look at that face... I know what Klaus is thinking
-Elena and Stefan team up and Damon gets kicked to the curb because he cares to much for Elena. (I think he is a little like the old Stefan in this case)

So here are my top moments on the show
1. Elena showing up at the Mikealson Ball and Damon gazing at her.
2. Caroline walks into the ball and Klaus stares and she replies "I need a drink"
3. Dancing Time!!!!!!
         Klaus and Caroline have a dancing moment (I was totally gushing!)
              "Now on to more important events on how ravishing you look in that dress"- Klaus
4. Another Klaroline moment
         Except a little weird i have to say "I enjoy you"- Klaus (am I right a little?)
         "I left him go with no regrets"- Caroline She was talking about how she let her father go with no regrets. I think this got to Klaus (I mean like from the heart).
5. Okay another Klaroline moment
           wow Klaus is a real artist!!!
           "You don't connect with people because you don't even try to understand them"- Caroline (Poor Klaus cant even get one chance with Caroline.
6. Damon confesses that he loves Elena and Elena says that this is the problem why he cant be involved anymore. This really hurts me and well Damon. Damon being Damon lashes out and hurts Kole, the original.
Now that's a way to end a party
7. Okay so Klaus gives it one more chance with Caroline.
           Gives her a drawing of her and a horse. Wow now that's connecting and understanding someone.
8. Stefan refusing Elena's love for him "If I care then I hurt"- Stefan (wow harsh!)
9. Oh S*** Rebekah and Damon... What.... Oh Elena is going to be so pissed!

Damon's Hotness on a scale from 1-10
Okay so Damon was very sweet threw out the whole episode. You know trying to protect Elena from Esther. I thought that was really sensitive of him. At the end of the show things started to spice up when Rebekah and Damon had you know what. Also after he hurt Kole, he walked away with this really sexy look on his face with a swag style walk. That really made me smile, only because that was the Damon I knew!

Damons hotness: 7.5 sexy points!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hot and Sexy with The Vampire Diaries Couple

Magazine Cover (Feb 17, 2012)

Wowza! Would you look at the way Ian is holding Nina! If you weren't convinced before you should be now, Ian and Nina look like a total Couple!

Friday Night Bites Episode 1.03 Review

Well you know how last episode ended with Caroline being fed on by Damon. Well yea she is still alive and Damon is not so nice to her. But he is a big bad boy, which i like a lot!
"Friday Night Bites" - Paul Wesley as Stefan in THE VAMPIRE DIARIES on The CW.  Photo: Quantrell Colbert/The CW  ©2009 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.During the show it seamed and showed that Bonnie really doesn't like Stefan. I mean I am okay with it but Elena isn't. She says she got this weird vibe from him when she touched him. Weird right?
Also Stefan joins the Mystic falls Football team. During this Tyler gets ponned, I would say 10 times through out the show. One was when Tyler threw a football to Stefan when he wasn't looking. Stefan totally showed him up when he turns really fast around to catch the ball right before it hits him. I laughed big time during this part, only because I hate Tyler so much.
"Friday Night Bites" - Katerina Graham as Bonnie in THE VAMPIRE DIARIES on The CW.  Photo: Quantrell Colbert/The CW  ©2009 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.Another halarious part of the episode was in Mr. Tanner's history class. Bonnie was writing all over her notebook paper the numbers 8-22-14. I thaought that was wierd. Prob one of her physicic things. Then Tanner and Stefan hit it off in class when, Tanner was getting upset that Stefan knew every question he asked him. Well Tanner put that to the test in class. He named off all of these events and Stefan got all of them right. I dont know about you but I would have a fun time in that class if someone did that to the teacher.
After school at cheerleading practice Caroline (who if you dont remember is being torcherd by Damon) showed up in Damon's really nice old mustang convertable with Damon in the drivers seat. Elena and Damon give each other looks to each other. Damon's was a little more flirtation than Elena's was but I still felt alittle something.
In the evening Elena, Stefan and Bonnie have dinner at Elena's house. Then some unwanted visitors arive at the party. Can you guess who. Damon and Caroline. Oh Damon allways showing up at the right time. Elena not knowing the meaning of it, invites Damon inside the house. For you people who dont know about this, when you invite a vampire into the house that means they can come in and out whenever they please. If they dont get invited in then they cant come inside the home. Elena and Damon have some bonding time. I had an aha moment. Damon really likes Elena. I mean he is soooooo much nicer and kinder to Elena then to Stefan.
"Friday Night Bites" - Nina Dobrev as Elena in THE VAMPIRE DIARIES on The CW.  Photo: Quantrell Colbert/The CW  ©2009 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.At the Football game the next day a lot of drama goes down. One Tyler and Jeremy get into a big fight and Stefan gets wonded in the hand. Elena noticed and Stefan starts to panic. Only because he heals really fast. He persuades her into forgeting about it. But this will comeback to haunt him. I just know it. When Stefan leaves Elena. She catches up with Damon. Only Damon has other plans. Damon tries to use compulsion to make Elena kiss him. Only she was wearing a necklace that protects her from compulsion. Ha take that Damon! But on the other hand it would be nice to see Elena and Damon kiss dont you thing? So into retaliation of not being able to compel Elena he goes to Stefan. Stefan being Stefan puts Damon on a rampage and Damon kills Mr. Tanner. WOW DIDNT SEE THAT ONE COMING!!! You remember those numbers Bonnie was writting down in her notebook. Well those numbers were at the crime scene of Tanners death. Creapie!
At the end of the show was really special to me only because it showed Damon really had another side to him. He was in Elena's bedroom waatching her sleep. I mean yes it was a little creapy but still in twisted way it was really cute. He brushed her cheek softly and left. So sweet.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Night of the Comet Episode 1.02 Review

So last episode I forgot to tell you that Elena looks like Katherine. Wowza didn't see that one coming.

Okay so "Night at the Comet" was just as good as the last episode. The one thing that annoyed me was that at the beginning of the show it was basically the same thing as the 1st episode. A couple are alone and get killed by  a vampire, that we know now by Damon.
Then it goes to miss happy Elena and her thinking about Stefan. How cute. Jenna (Elena and Jeremy's guardian/ aunt) cant get a hold of Jeremy threw the whole episode. Speaking of Jeremy he gets really defensive about Vickie, to the point that he threatens Tyler!
Stefan here's Matt talking to Elena talking about Vickie saying vampire to him at the hospital. Then Stefan rushes off to compel Vickie to forget a vampire attacked her. Way to save the day Stefan. Psh only for your benefit.
So in this show Elena meets Damon. Oooo Damon was so nice to her. Being a gentlemen and all. He talks about how Stefan has an ex named Katherine (u know the one who looks exactly like Elena only that Katherine lived in 1864!) and that her and Stefan had a past. Then Stefan pops in the Salvatore boarding house and is sooo rude to Elena. Gosh that makes me so angry. I say Damon gets points at this rodeo.
Then the event of the episode the night of the comet.
After being treated very rudely from Stefan, Elena and Stefan talk at the event. She forgives him and totally rejects him. Then Stefan finds out that Vickie has gone missing and goes to find her. Guess were she is? of course by Damon. Oh Damon being all sexy danger guy. I dig those kind of ppl or should i say vampire. Damon threatens to expose Stefan to the whole town, but does not go with it. (darn!) Stefan asks Damon why is he in mystic falls and he plainly says "that is for you to know and me to dot dot dot". Ooo suspense.
Jeremy was getting close with Vickie but since Damon compelled her she went back to her old ways with Tyler. I felt bad for him. I mean he is a stoner with no friends.
At the end of the episode a lot of things went down. First Elena goes over to Stefan's place and totally forgives him and they have their first kiss! It was a fabulous scene. I mean with the song Gravity by Sara Barialles playing in the background was just so romantic. Second thing that happened was Damon and Caroline got together and had a very steamy sexy scene. Then Damon ruined the sexy scene by biting Caroline's neck.
What a great episode I think.

Is there a Klaroline in the future?

So one question I have  for you TVD fans.
We have seen in episode 11 were Klaus gives a beautiful speech to Caroline before he gave her his blood to heal her wolf bite that she got from Tyler. But lets not forget that Klaus told Tyler to bite Caroline. This is really confusing to me because it seamed like he was trying to woo Caroline in her bedroom, because he gave her a nice bracelet and the speech.
Oh one more thing before you give me your answer. Remember the Dangerous Liaison pictures for next week.
The beautiful couple dancing on the floor. I cant see Caroline's face, but I can see Klaus's face and he looks happy. 
Caroline looks surprised to see him. 
I think Caroline is thinking about Klaus. That is what I hope.

Review of the Pilot Episode 1.01

The start of the show was a little boring. I mean they got us interested with the whole "couple getting killed by a vampire". That got me reeled in, but from there on it was boring, until we got to the scene were mystery guy (Stefan) walked into school with sexy dark hair and a black leather jacket. After that i knew that Elena and Stefan would be together. My heart dropped a little when Elena and Stefan walked into the Mystic Grill together. It was the perfect song (Thinking of you by Katy Perry), plus it was a little cheesy, but i liked it when everyone looked towards the couple.
These two people were meant for each other. They both lost there parents, granted Stefan prob lost his 400 years ago, and both have family problems. I still feel bad for Matt. He is so cute, kind and lonely. Why don't those guys get the attention. Poor Matt.
At the bonfire party things started to get juicy. First Elena's best friend Bonnie uses her "physic" ability and gets spooked by seeing a crow, fog and a man. (Hmmmm that's what Elena saw at the graveyard. Maybe Boonie's "physic" power is the real deal. Something to think about). Then Elena and Stefan meet up and talk about their past. Well Elena talks about her past. Her parents died in a car accident going off a bridge into the water. Such a sad and sensitive moment. Stefan say's to Elena "You wont be sad forever". Way to keep her spirits lifted Stefan! Okay so after this beautiful scene, it goes to asshole Tyler trying to force Vickie (Matt's sister) to have sex with him. This pist me off! Vickie storms off and in the process and, she gets attacked by a vampire. When Jeremy and Elena find her and bring her back to the bonfire for help, Matt sees Stefan Storming off. (Opps I don't think Stefan wanted that to happen) 
Back at Stefan's house, he starts to freak out about the vampire attack, because he admits to his uncle that it was not the vampire who attacked Vickie. That's when a sexy vampire named Damon comes into Stefan's room. "Hello brother" with a sneaky smile. So sexy.
Vickie in the hospital with Matt says "vampire". Opps that's going to put a stop in the perfect life of Mystic falls.

P.S. Love the whole Diary thing.



The Dangerous Laison Episode 3.14

Looks like Rebekah is up to no good. Or is just in her pissy self
 Sensual Rebekah. I think she is bipolar.
The whole gang together. But wait Caroline should be on Klaus's side not Matts!
 Kole looks Fine in that suit.  
Still confused on why the mayor is here. Seams a little random to me. 
P.S. doesn't Klaus look like he is in the show from Stefan's flashbacks to the 1920's