Saturday, February 4, 2012

Night of the Comet Episode 1.02 Review

So last episode I forgot to tell you that Elena looks like Katherine. Wowza didn't see that one coming.

Okay so "Night at the Comet" was just as good as the last episode. The one thing that annoyed me was that at the beginning of the show it was basically the same thing as the 1st episode. A couple are alone and get killed by  a vampire, that we know now by Damon.
Then it goes to miss happy Elena and her thinking about Stefan. How cute. Jenna (Elena and Jeremy's guardian/ aunt) cant get a hold of Jeremy threw the whole episode. Speaking of Jeremy he gets really defensive about Vickie, to the point that he threatens Tyler!
Stefan here's Matt talking to Elena talking about Vickie saying vampire to him at the hospital. Then Stefan rushes off to compel Vickie to forget a vampire attacked her. Way to save the day Stefan. Psh only for your benefit.
So in this show Elena meets Damon. Oooo Damon was so nice to her. Being a gentlemen and all. He talks about how Stefan has an ex named Katherine (u know the one who looks exactly like Elena only that Katherine lived in 1864!) and that her and Stefan had a past. Then Stefan pops in the Salvatore boarding house and is sooo rude to Elena. Gosh that makes me so angry. I say Damon gets points at this rodeo.
Then the event of the episode the night of the comet.
After being treated very rudely from Stefan, Elena and Stefan talk at the event. She forgives him and totally rejects him. Then Stefan finds out that Vickie has gone missing and goes to find her. Guess were she is? of course by Damon. Oh Damon being all sexy danger guy. I dig those kind of ppl or should i say vampire. Damon threatens to expose Stefan to the whole town, but does not go with it. (darn!) Stefan asks Damon why is he in mystic falls and he plainly says "that is for you to know and me to dot dot dot". Ooo suspense.
Jeremy was getting close with Vickie but since Damon compelled her she went back to her old ways with Tyler. I felt bad for him. I mean he is a stoner with no friends.
At the end of the episode a lot of things went down. First Elena goes over to Stefan's place and totally forgives him and they have their first kiss! It was a fabulous scene. I mean with the song Gravity by Sara Barialles playing in the background was just so romantic. Second thing that happened was Damon and Caroline got together and had a very steamy sexy scene. Then Damon ruined the sexy scene by biting Caroline's neck.
What a great episode I think.

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